Phil Dobbie

Phil Dobbie

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26 April 2024

There’s a spurious argument – spread by Farage, Lawson and the like - that Europe needs us more than we need them. They don’t. We’re a fraction of their export market and most of what we sell is substitutable by products made on the continent.

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26 April 2024

Phil Dobbie says now is the time for ordinary people to look into the detail of how Brexit will work. Whilst the Prime Minister spent 40 minutes committing to nothing in Florence last week, the clock is ticking before masses of laws and regulations are passed for amendment to unelected representatives in Whitehall.

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26 April 2024

In today’s Balls Radio Phil Dobbie asks whether President Trump is simply capitalising on a tide of xenophobia that was already entrenched in parts of the US psyche.

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26 April 2024

The West’s answer to Islamic terrorism is to ignore the root cause and put a sticking plaster on a gaping wound. Firing bullets dipped in pigs blood and making it more difficult to hire vans are just the latest examples.

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26 April 2024

Our approach to Brexit is showing the world what it means to be British – as one great nation of disorganised, divided people marching haphazardly towards an undefined destination, with no game plan and only an inefficient, crumbling bureaucracy to guide us.

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What is Balls Radio?

Balls Radio is like talk radio, but for thinking people. Now a short daily occurrence, Phil Dobbie offers his opinions on what's happening, in the UK and overseas: politics, social policy, economics, science, religion. Yes, it's another, slightly overweight middle-aged white man telling the world how it should be. But there's nothing alt-right about Balls Radio. And we try and have fun along the way.
