04 May 2024

In the US Federal regulators have introduced a plan to protect the neutrality of the Internet, treating it the same as any other utility, like water and electricity.

Published in Segments
04 May 2024

At the suggestion of Chris Graham, writing on the New Matilda website, those not happy about the government's data retention laws have started copying the Attorney General in on all their email.

Published in Segments
04 May 2024

What's the Big Idea comes up with more bright new inventions - like a wearable wrist strap that counts how many words you are speaking. Useful for those people who talk to much.

Published in Segments

Let`s socialise

What is Balls Radio?

Balls Radio is like talk radio, but for thinking people. Now a short daily occurrence, Phil Dobbie offers his opinions on what's happening, in the UK and overseas: politics, social policy, economics, science, religion. Yes, it's another, slightly overweight middle-aged white man telling the world how it should be. But there's nothing alt-right about Balls Radio. And we try and have fun along the way.
