Balls Radio
28 April 2024

Australia's Syrian refugee intake will all be required to sign saying they have read a guidebook put together by a public servant somewhere.

Published in Segments
28 April 2024

A request to read out the longest place name in Britain, fulfilled unconvincingly.

Published in Segments
28 April 2024

Kids dug an escape route from a Kindergarten in the Urals. And you thought the Urals was an embarrassing body part!

Published in Segments
28 April 2024

Workers in County Durham turn up to represent coal mines that closed two decades ago. Plus, how much would you pay for Queen Victoria's knickers?

Published in Segments
28 April 2024

In Britain they celebrated the summer solstice at the weekend. John Dobbie reports that, despite the good weather, crowd numbers were down.

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Let`s socialise

What is Balls Radio?

Balls Radio is like talk radio, but for thinking people. Now a short daily occurrence, Phil Dobbie offers his opinions on what's happening, in the UK and overseas: politics, social policy, economics, science, religion. Yes, it's another, slightly overweight middle-aged white man telling the world how it should be. But there's nothing alt-right about Balls Radio. And we try and have fun along the way.
