13 Oct 2014

Get Happy for the Economy

Joe Hockey says we should talk-up the economy because pessimism will bring down the economy. Guess that means there’s no budget emergency anymore.

So this week Balls Radio is uncharacteristically positive, about everything. Listen in and have your spirits lifted.
This week’s running order:
- Joe Hockey gets happy
- Amanda Vanstone and the anti-rich rubbish
- The ACOSS Report on the poverty line
- Richard Kazimer – US Report
o Time zone worries
o Most Americans live in states with marriage equality
o California to ban plastic bags
o South Carolina gerrymandering
o Treason on Fox News
- The Onion – permanent unpaid maternity leave
- David Campbell – New Zealand
o Labour leadership
o NZ’s part in the IS war
o Latest NZ spying allegations
o Rolf’s latest accusations
- The Pope’s guide to happiness
- Richard Denniss, Australia Institute – terrorism or the environment – our disproportionate sense of risk
- Welfare fraud: Media coverage v reality
- What’s the Big Idea, with Brian Haverty
o Car key tracking app
o Secret ballots for all parliament votes
o Synthetic food that looks big
o Home liposuction to collagen kit


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What is Balls Radio?

Balls Radio is like talk radio, but for thinking people. Now a short daily occurrence, Phil Dobbie offers his opinions on what's happening, in the UK and overseas: politics, social policy, economics, science, religion. Yes, it's another, slightly overweight middle-aged white man telling the world how it should be. But there's nothing alt-right about Balls Radio. And we try and have fun along the way.
