Meanwhile, Australia is looking at new ways of voting.
00:00 Introduction
02:31 Absolutely anything - a movie review
07:10 Bush dips out of US Presidential primaries
15:14 Will Obama pick a new Supreme Court Judge?
21:38 Is Australia becoming a pariah state?
29:30 The UK racing for a Brexit
46:41 Stilgherrian on Apple's Error 53 saga
59:12 American footballers doing their heads in
1:06:20 What's the Big Idea?: shopping, bras, language and tea hats
1:14:27 Turnbull's wrong on negative gearing
1:20:40 Kiwi's rights down under
1:26:45 NZ - too generous on refugees?
1:29:27 Christchurch - still shaking, 5 years on
1:33:23 Australia's election reforms - an easier solution
1:39:10 Britain's highest loo
1:41:41 Derbyshire town, bursting at the seems
1:45:18 Recreating Lennon, from the hair down