24 Feb 2015

Terrorism and False Logic

People like Tim Blair complain about people who say the actions of terrorists had nothing to do with Islam. Sure it does, but he is another one struggling with the concept that because someone does something belongs to a certain group then all people who belong to that group will behave the same.

By that logic, Tim Blair is an idiot journalist, therefore all journalists are idiots. Which is a crazy notion. All Telegraph journalists are idiots, that's more plausible, but even then there will be exceptions.

So, there's no doubt Islam has a problem with certain factions - and their thinking is horrific - but to brand all as being the same is a bit scarey. We could end up isolating a whole section of the planet - a rather large seciton.

And we have people like Henry Ergas, writing in the Australian on MOnday, citing reports claiming how many followers of Islam in the west are radicals. The research by Johannes Kandel that says a third of Germans Muslim youth now hold radical Islamist views and research from the Pew research centre in the US that claims 8 percent of Muslims believe suicide bombings against civilian targets can be justified. It depends in the circumstances of course. I wonder how many Christians would say killing people was permissible if it many protecting their faith. That study by the way, has found no increase in those agreeing with that sentiment in the US, so the situation doesn't seem to be getting worse.And as for that report from Germany, that comes from the institute of Islamic studies, which describes itself as committed to the Christian view of mankind. And it comes from 2011. Come on Henry. Surely you can get something more up to date given this rising tide of fundamentalists bent on taking over western civilization. It must be at least half of all young Islamic people in Germany by now.


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