16 Feb 2015

The NSW Liberal Boys Club

Having Aliser Henskens defend theseat of Ku-ring-gai shows just how much of a boys club the NSW Liberal party is.

TRANSCRIPT:  Balls Radio comes to you from Wahroonga, on Sydney’s leafy north shore. You always have to qualify it – it’s leafy. Nowhere near the beach, but leafy.

And our local state member is Barry O'Farrell, one time premiere, who quit the top job when facing an ACAC enquiry – an anti corruption inquiry – after he forgot being given a bottle of Grange Hermitage by developers …

Another man who retired from government after those ICAC hearing was Chris Hartcher, who allegedly masterminded a scheme to funnel illegal donations into the Liberal party coffers – there’s been a couple of others, Chris Spence and Darren Webber on the central coast also resigning after a grilling by ICAC – even so, despite all these allegations, it seems the Liberal party will win the NSW election in a few weeks

But Chris Hartcher’s solicitor, who advised him how to handle the ICAC allegations, a man called Alister Henskens has won preselection for the seat of Ku-ring-gai, where we are now – Barry O'Farrell’s seat.

So Barry O'Farrell leaves with a feint whiff from of corruption allegations  – and he is replaced by the solicitor defending Chris Hartcher over other allegations of corruption.

Two words here, I think. Boys Club. 


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