16 Feb 2015

Abbott and a disunited party

Tony Abbott isn't safe from the threat of another challenge on his leadership, but will it make any difference?

Transcript: Tony Abbott faces an uncertain future not because of his personality or his lies ... The liberal party has a problem with unity not because of poor leadership but because they have differing views on what's right. Is right very right, or just a bit you the right. Malcolm Turnbull is just a bit to the right, but most of what's left are way to the right. Am I making sense?

Well, let's take the race hate laws ... the infamous section 18c that Andrew bolt was once charged under. Abbott tried to remove it orwater it down. You'll remember George Brandis famously saying people have the right to be bigots. A man who clearly got a Master's in how to say precisely the wrong thing because in the end Abbott had to pitch his plans to change the law. Because lots of people believe you shouldn't have the right to be a bigot.

But now a bunch of the usual suspects, Cory - gay marriage leads to bestiality - Bernardi amongst them, plan to cross the floor if that's what it takes to get the so called race hate laws changed. They want the words insult and offend removed, so it would be legal to insult or offend someone based on their race. And Bernardi and Bob day from the Family first brigade, who will present the Bill calling for the changes, cite the Charlie Hebdo case in Paris, for some strange reason. Their argument is that Charlie Hebdo wouldn't have been able to publish it's cartoons here in Australia because it would insult or offend a section of society. And we as a society certainly need to upset and offend more people. It's got too be one of the priorities of government to make this possible. Andrew bolt has gone as far as he can within the law. Let's loosen the restrictions and see how far he can really go if he puts his mind too it.

And this is all Excellent timing for Tony Abbott ... it shows that the liberals are a highly principled lot. Things like this need to be sorted out whatever the consequences. Even if the public at large either don't agree or don't care. And it demonstrates that, if this party is united on anything, it tends to be on stuff the public generally doesn't agree with: freedom of speech legislation, where does that sit in your too ten priority issues for Australia right now? The right to offend and insult your neighbors based on their race?  And if Abbott tries to moderate things the hardline right gets upset. So he can't win either way. And with the politicians they have in their camp, neither can the next prime minister.


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